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Advanced Technical And Oilfield Supplies

Advanced Technical And Oilfield Supplies

  • 0 Reviews
  • Street No.29, Gate No.1, Industrial Area


Advanced Technical & Oilfield Supplies Co. W.L.L (ATOSCO) a force to reckon in the field of hydraulic, for supply and services of quality products with greater emphasis on material specifications and time bound delivery.


We provide A to Z range of hose assemblies with the best and comprehensive sources of fluid power accessories such as hydraulic/ marine/ chemical and industrial hose assemblies. Our name continues to be linked to excellence sur- passing any technical and environmental challenges facing the industry. 


Our skillful and innovative cultre stimulates and develops emp loyee morale knowledge and information. 


We always believe that customers should have the best to choose from.We are committed to quality thereby ensuring customers value added products and services. We have a clear vision of the future and are providing base for excellence ensuring growth to industry. 


As a stamp of quality, we have been certified ISO 9001:2008. We provide techno-based scutions too at no extra cost.


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